Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mindsets Book Study - Chapter 9

Welcome Friends!
Once again I'm linking up with the Hello Sunshine teacher's blog for their book study on Mary Cay Ricci's Mindsets in the Classroom. Chapter 9 is about different Ways School Staff Can Maintain a Growth Mindset School Culture. Although there is not very many pages in this chapter, what I read made me really excited! I thought to myself, this IS possible! My school CAN do this!

Reinforcing the Growth Mindset Message
*Embed specific plans to maintain a growth mindset school culture in your yearly School Improvement Plan (SIP).
*Dedicate the first 15 minutes of each staff meeting for discussing your school's growth mindset culture.
*Learning environment should be a fear-free zone.
*Teacher's language should acknowledge what students do rather than who they are.

My favorite part of this chapter is the page with a picture of a school staff that is very committed to building a growth mindset school culture. In the picture all staff members are wearing a growth mindset culture t-shirt. My student's parents see me before school and after school. What a wonderful message to not only communicate with parents but to proudly wear!

"Look Fors"
Each school should brainstorm what Ricci calls "Look Fors" or evidence that demonstrates a growth mindset school and class culture. The areas that should be brainstormed for are:
1. Ongoing Assessment
2. Flexible/Fluid Grouping Practices
3. Curriculum Compacting
4. Expectations
5. Questioning
6. Higher Level Thinking
7. Acceleration and Enrichment
8. Classroom Environment

Next up:
Chapter 10
 Hello Sunshine!


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